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Justice pour Kalinka Justice pour Kalinka Justice pour Kalinka
.: Homepage .: Kalinka's case .: Association
.: The case .: From 1995 to 2000

.: The trial
.: From 1982 to 1993
.: From 1995 to 2000
.: From 2001 to 2007
.: Since 2008
.: The kidnapping
.: Dieter Krombach
.: Kalinka's mother

Justice pour Kalinka

 Chronological account of events

March 1995
At the beginning of March, a session is opened then immediately adjourned. Just before, the president of the Court had had a conversation of over two hours, in his private office, with the two counsels of the accused and the ambassador of Germany in France while the plaintiff’s counsel was kept aside.
On March 9th, the Assize Court delivers its decision in absentia. Dr Krombach is sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment for crime. But he is not sentenced for life, as law would require it, considering the age of Kalinka and the authority exercised by Dr Krombach. One may notice that the examining magistrate had not felt she could unmistakably charge Dr Krombach with rape. Thus, the question of the motive for the crime is not raised, as a trial in absentia is held without address to the Court, jury, witnesses or experts.
In spite of this sentence, and by instruction of the Ministry of justice to the Public Prosecutor, the French Law Ministry abstains from issuing an international warrant for arrest.
In previous then following years, F. Mitterand and J. Chirac talk of the Krombach case successively with H. Kohl and G. Schröder on the occasion of their meeting. But they agree to maintain good relations between the two countries.

1996 and 1997
On August 1st 1996, the pressure of the media (an article in Le Figaro in July) leads the Paris Public Prosecutor to circulate a description of Dr Krombach through the countries of the Schengen space, in case he left Germany. Further steps are taken and succeed in the issuing by Interpol of an international warrant extended to other countries, particularly those bordering on Germany.

March 17th 1997
After the rape of one of his patients, a 16 year old school-girl, who was sent to sleep by anaesthetics, Dr Krombach is imprisoned for two months, awaiting trial. His sperm is positively identified and himself acknowledges the facts, he admits to sexual problems and pleads guilty to the Criminal Court of Kempten. Five other of his patients certify that they were raped by Dr Krombach but their testimonies are not taken into account for “lack of evidence”. He is given a suspended prison sentence of two years and consequently released. 300 people demonstrate against this verdict in Lindau. One must note that the tribunal was presided by Dr Strasser who, in 1994, had refused to reopen the inquest on Kalinka’s death.

January 7th 2000
Dr Krombach is arrested in Austria. France demands his extradition, but Austria releases him on February 2nd 2000, in defiance of the rules of the European Convention of Extradition. France raises no protest in spite of the oral promises that E. Guigou had made to A. Bamberski.

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