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Justice pour Kalinka Justice pour Kalinka Justice pour Kalinka
.: Homepage .: Kalinka's case .: Association
.: The case .: Since 2008

.: The trial
.: From 1982 to 1993
.: From 1995 to 2000
.: From 2001 to 2007
.: Since 2008
.: The kidnapping
.: Dieter Krombach
.: Kalinka's mother

Justice pour Kalinka

 Chronological account of events

April 18th 2008
André Bamberski succeeds in lodging an appeal to the Final Court of Appeal against the judgement of the Assize court of 1995. The motive for his appeal : Although he was charged with murder, Krombach was only sentenced for “voluntary assault leading to the death of the victim without this death being intentional”. There was no justification for this change in his favour.

June 10th 2008
Krombach is released after 18 months of imprisonment.

June 30th 2008
André Bamberski and the president of “Justice for Kalinka” are granted a meeting with the spokesman of Rachida Dati at the ministry of justice, to no avail.

December 10th 2008
The criminal Chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal revokes the judgement of 1995: D. Krombach, who was charged with “intentional homicide”, had been condemned for “unintentional homicide “ without this change being justified. Under the obvious and verified pressure of Germany, the trial was distorted. We knew it, but Law itself acknowledges it officially today.
Thus the injustice is officially acknowledged: The political wish to spare Germany’s feelings has silenced the expression of justice and brought about the long and still lasting impunity of D. Krombach.

July 2009
The complaint lodged in August 2002 against the judges and French authorities is rejected after 7 years, on the grounds of “lack of evidence” : The judge considers that no “corruption” can be proved. Yet she recognises that the irregularities denounced by A. Bamberski about the enforcement of the sentence are real. She even recognises that the circulation of warrants for arrest was facilitated by A. Bamberski’s action only ! … A. Bamberski appeals against this decision of no prosecution “for lack of evidence”.

October 17th 2009
D. Krombach is abducted in front of his domicile and brought to France, in Mulhouse. A. Bamberski is arrested and put in police custody. He admits having agreed about this abduction, and is immediately indicted for abduction, arbitrary confinement, assault and battery and criminal conspiracy.

October 20th-21st 2009
André Bamberski is released and put on probation. D. Krombach is put in detention in Paris. The judgement of the Chamber of accusation of the Paris Court of Appeal which, in 1993 charged him with murder, regains strength: D. Krombach should go through a retrial in France, this time in his own presence with his counsels.

October 23rd 2009
The German Ministry of Foreign Affairs officially announces that they are trying to obtain D. Krombach‘s repatriation.

October 27th 2009
The “Agence France Presse” announces that the German Department of Justice has issued a European warrant for arrest against A. Bamberski.

November 10th 2009
D. Krombach appeals against his detention. The Chamber of examination rules: he will remain in prison. He immediately lodges an appeal to the Court of Final Appeal.

December 10th 2009
The Chamber of investigation of Toulouse refuses to extradite A. Bamberski to Germany.
When they are confronted to each other at Toulouse on December 8th and 9th, A. Bamberski and Anton Krazniqi, the author of the abduction, give stories that match.

December 15th 2009
A second request for release on Krombach’s part (for medical reasons) is rejected.

March 3rd 2010
The Final Court of Appeal refuses the release of Krombach, for which his counsels had lodged an appeal.

March 11th 2010
Publication and sale in bookshops of a book signed by A. Bamberski under the title “So that justice be done to you.”

March 29th-April 4th 2011
After many requests for release (put by Krombach) without effect, the trial of D. Krombach starts at the Assize Court of Paris, but is soon interrupted by the fit of weakness of the accused.

October 4th-22nd 2011
A complete trial takes place this time, at the end of which D. Krombach is found guilty of “voluntary assault leading to decease without death being intentional”, assault inflicted on Kalinka who was under 18 by a person of authority. He is sentenced to 15 years in jail (instead of 30, owing to his age).He appeals against the decision the following week.

November 27th – December 20th 2012
Krombach's trial in appeal takes place in the Assize Court of Val de Marne in Créteil. The verdict entirely confirms that of the trial on first hearing of the Paris Court of Assize, (see the report of motivation issued by the Court of Créteil ).
Krombach immediately lodges an appeal to the final court of appeal.

May 22-23 2014
A. Bamberski is judged before the magistrate's court at the court of first instance in Mulhouse for the abduction of D. Krombach. Passed on the following June 18, the penal verdict acquits A. Bamberski of « criminal conspiracy » and « complicity of aggravated assaults », but condemns him as the « author » of the abduction, with a suspended prison sentence of one year.
As regards the financial damages, Krombach's lawiers request a new medical appraisal by experts. For his part, on this very point, A. Bamberski lodges an appeal.

December 4th 2014
André Bamberski lodges an appeal in lawsuit to the Court of appeal of Colmar. Judgment pronounced on January 8th 2015 : He is acquitted of financial damages related to violence (he had already been acquitted of violence in penal court) and he remains charged for violent action resulting in the abduction itself. The assessment of damages will take place after the medical expert's appraisal that D. Krombach requested (request accepted by the court).

June 25th 2015
The chamber of law-enforcement of Paris court of appeal rejects strictlty two requests lodged by D. Krombach in April 2014 : reduction of his tariff period of imprisonment and conditional release.

March 16th 2016
The film about Kalinka case " In the name of my daughter ", made by Vincent Garenq with Daniel Auteuil in the role of André Bamberski is released in the cinema houses in France : An important mediatic effect. It is distributed in Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, Italy. Later it is released in Grat Britain (with subtitles) and in Germany (dubbed). It is also released in DVDs. The book signed by André Bamberski is re-published, under the same title as the film.

October 27th 2017
D. Krombach had requested in March 2016 a deferred sentence for health motives. This is strictly refused after a medical appraisal by the chamber of law-enforcement of Paris.

February 26th 2018
The presidential pardon that D.Krombach had requested is refused. He is now detained in Fresnes penitenciary hospital.

March 29th 2018
D.Krombach is definitely nonsuited by the European Court of Human Rights, after the request he had lodged in October 2014 against France. He had complained mainly about the violence of the abduction and he had put forward the so-called acquitment he had obtained in Germany before the french trials. (namely the right of not being jugded twice for the same facts : non bis in idem) On June 2016, all these complaints were declared inadmissible except the non bis in idem. This latter complaint is rejected by the CEDH this March 29th 2018.

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